Wednesday 30 May 2007

Let's Get Trivial!

I have a regular London quiz night. I had a regular quiz night back in Perth, a mammoth five round event every Tuesday that always ended with the musical intro round (song and artist) but since being in London it's been a bit hit and miss. The biggest miss was by far the "silent" Great British quiz which was always going to be a loser because a) I don't know anything about anything about trains or football and in a gross generalisation they rank pretty highly in the British trivia consciousness and b) if you can't give a little cheer when you get the answer right, I don't want to know.

This quiz night is a winner. Four rounds of ten questions, a good mix including movies (my undoubted strength) and picture clues.

Last night I covered myself in glory by knowing that the actor who appeared in Alien, Top Gun and Steel Magnolias was Tom Skerritt (weaselly Tom Skerritt). I also knew that Sheryl Crowe sung the theme song to Tomorrow Never Dies and won myself a free drink. It is nice to have somewhere to flaunt the results my mispent leisure time. By far the best right answer we got didn't involve me at all. The picture clue was a blurry photo of a ship with a hole blown in the side. We had to say where the explosion had happened and this how we got it...

"Do you watch Friends? What's that country that Chandler says he's going away to visit?"

The ship was blown up in Yemen. One point! Go team!


MJ said...

You won the free drink?! Well done! Hope you kicked 'Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry's butt! Will be there next week..

my name is kate said...

I hate you both. *sob*